News — Nature
Cobweb & Spider Invasion...

A cobweb and spider invasion takes place every year in my garden and by geographically living in the northern hemisphere, some like to make there way into my house every year during the autumn months. While this may freak you out, what is more surprising is that research suggests that you are never more than 10 feet away from a spider! Don't worry though because most of the time they are hiding, laying in wait somewhere in a crevice minding their own business waiting to do good... While they are often portrayed as the stuff of nightmares in books and film and...
Prismatic raindrops appear...
Crystals Nature Prisms Raindrops

My garden is an accessible break to my daily routine in all seasons and a major source of inspiration for what energizes me for the day or coming week. Early this morning, tens of thousands of tiny raindrops captured within my blue spruce, left behind as mini gifts by last nights rainstorm, caught my attention the moment I walked out the back door. The rain droplets suspended from the tips of countless individual needles were softly glowing from within by the early morning light kissing their surface. While the photo I took to share with you does no justice to...
What do sunflowers, bees and snowmen have in common?
Bees Nature Ornaments Snowmen Sunflowers

The sun has such an impact on us all and there is something about a sunny day that makes everything a bit better just as sunflowers, bees and snowmen do... Despite the cloudy gloom of last week, the sunflowers in my garden were exploding with a vibrant golden glow and with the busy bees happily working amongst them, they brought the uplifting effects of the sun into my mood as I picked a bouquet to bring at bit of that glow indoors with me. This morning as I wandered my garden once more on a quest for inspiration, I took note...